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The Beast in The Bushes - Dept. of Suits and Lies

By Pound Magazine

Part I: 9/11

"Who decides truth? / Guys in ties and suits / Violent kooks from private schools." - Ill Bill of Non-Phixion, "Futurama" off The Future Is Now

"Everything that's happening in the world right now is because of 9/11," explains Paris, over what he states is a 'tapped' phone line to his Oakland home. The radical emcee who recently released his Sonic Jihad album - which depicts a civilian airliner about to crash into the White House on its cover -is one among many alt-info agents who have thrown into doubt the U.S. government's official line on the events of the 11th day of September 2001. "I think that the terrorist attacks of September 11th," declares P-Dog bluntly, "were orchestrated here and carried out in tandem with the United States government."

The neo-Panther's views on the 9/11 attacks, though seemingly extreme, are nonetheless shared, in whole or in part, by a growing number of artists, academics, government officials and common cats worldwide. And not without good reason.

A slue of questions has been raised surrounding the tragedy of September 11th, 2001, most of which the current U.S. administration has yet to adequately answer.

For example, why were fighter jets not scrambled to survey Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon, until more than 30 minutes after the FAA lost contact with the plane when standard operating procedure dictates that this is required within 10 minutes? The Associated Press reported in August of 2002 that suspicious flight activity had been intercepted 67 times between September of 2000 and June of 2001 by U.S. fighter jets. Why, when four major hijackings took place, was there not a single significant chase on the morning of the attacks?

This was but one question posed by a Guerrilla News Network (GNN) documentary, Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 911, which commemorated the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks. Narrated and scored by Paris, and partially financed by GNN's production of 50 Cent's "Heat" video, Aftermath put 11 of the most pressing questions to 9 individuals who have investigated various aspects of that ill-fated day.

"...recommended that the Joint Chiefs initiate a wave of terror against American citizens, blaming the attacks on an ‘irrational’ Cuban government,..."

“We started with a very simple list of Michael Ruppert [Publisher of From the Wilderness online magazine] and Mary Schiavo, who is the lawyer representing the families," says GNN's co-founder, Stephen Marshall. "[We] talked to Michel Chossudovsky, who's a Canadian professor - very controversial, but very informed. And then we were just like, "fuck it. As we started to reach out, more people started to come on the horizon of our wish list, and we just expanded to 11 questions, and it turned out conveniently that there were 9 people, so we had this sort of numerology thing going, and it ended up becoming a six-month project."

Ranging from a discussion of government foreknowledge to the issue of America's increasing military presence in the heart of Asia, Aftermath raises crucial concerns virtually ignored by the mainstream media. "The thing about the overall documentary that bothers me the most," explains Paris, whose track "What Would You Do?" provides the sonic backdrop for the doc, "is not the documentary itself, but the fact that we can find this information and present it. But this global corporate media conglomerate can't do the same and won't provide the people with these same questions."

The aforementioned question regarding the dramatically delayed reaction to the hijackings by the Pentagon is answered in Aftermath by the author of the War on Freedom, Nafeez Ahmed. According to Ahmed, the violation of operating procedure concerning interception of the off-track flights was "inconceivable without some kind of high-level government approval."

Indeed, it was Ahmed's contribution to Aftermath that most impacted the doc's maker, Marshall. Asked about Aftermath's content, GNN's Marshall maintains his "ah-ha! moment" revolves around "the reaction of the military on the day." Says Marshall: "It seems like a small point, but so much can be discerned or gleaned from that fact. I mean here we have the world's most efficient and technologized military, and not only that. We have NORAD, who most recently with the Payne Stewart plane crash-Payne Stewart, the golfer's plane - they lost consciousness on board from a leak, and there was a fighter jet up there within ten minutes of that. And here we have not only one, but four planes were taken over, two that crashed into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and even one that supposedly was taken down over Pennsylvania - they still never got there on time. And that's an hour-plus of delay. And then there was no reprimand. And then we see General Richard B. Meyers, who was the acting-head that day, nominated to the Joint Chiefs of Staff."


"Cause America's been took - it's plain to see / The oldest trick in the book is make an enemy." - Paris, "What Would You Do?" off Sonic Jihad.

"The part that resonates with me the most about the Aftermath video is the Alex Jones segment," replies Paris when asked what portion of the GNN film he saw as most striking.

Alex Jones, syndicated radio and television host and Editor of the Texas-based website, adds to Aftermath a historical account of governments secretly attacking their own people to justify the pursuit of preconceived objectives. "I love that song that Paris has got about the New World Order," says Jones, referring to "What Would You Do?" in an interview with Pound.

Key to Jones' Aftermath contribution is his analysis of the "Northwoods" document. Declassified in 2000 and discovered by James Bamford, formerly an investigative reporter and producer with ABC News, "Operation Northwoods" was submitted to John F. Kennedy's Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962. Northwoods recommended that the Joint Chiefs initiate a wave of terror against American citizens, blaming the attacks on an 'irrational’ Cuban government, and creating a pretext for an invasion of Cuba.'

According to the text of Northwoods: "Such a plan would enable a logical build-up of incidents to be combined with other seemingly unrelated events to camouflage the ultimate objective and create the necessary impression of Cuban rashness and irresponsibility on a large scale, directed at other countries as well as the United States."

The recommendations suggest, "We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba." Northwoods also envisaged the manufacture of "an incident which will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked and shot down a chartered civil airliner en route from the United States." Northwoods notes, "Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."

Asked about the relevance of Northwoods in light of the events of September 11th, 2001, Alex Jones responds: "Northwoods is very, very important because it's one of several blueprints by the U.S. government explaining to their own personnel why carrying out terrorism and then blaming it on political enemies is so successful. And of course, it goes back to Hitler burning the Reichstag, Nero burning Rome to blame it on his political enemies—it's a tried and tested system of attacking yourself and then blaming it on some innocent party."

"But Northwoods is important," explains Jones, "because here's an official 1962 blueprint and plan where we have the Joint Chiefs of Staff, headed up by L.L. Lemnitzer, the Chairman, calling for hijacking jets full of college students and crashing them to blame it on Cuba, to carrying out sniper attacks in D.C. and New York, and then even how to frame patsies. It gets into how to carry out plastic explosive attacks in D.C. and Miami, and how to blame that on their political enemies. And it got green-lighted up to Kennedy, who then said ‘no’ to the plan.

"And Kennedy had been a hawk all along for Vietnam, for the C.I.A, and now it's come out in some mainstream publications that Kennedy was so upset by Northwoods that that's when he started to restrict the size of government and started trying to, well, he commented, ‘we’re gonna scatter the CIA to the four winds, smash it up into a million pieces and scatter it to the four winds.’ And just six months later he was assassinated, and then obviously the evidence there is that that was a CIA hit because he wouldn't let them carry out Operation Northwoods."

University of Ottawa professor of economics Michel Chossudovsky, who also appears in the Aftermath documentary, agrees Northwoods is worthy of consideration where the attacks of 9/11 are concerned. "The fact that that kind of rationale existed," says Dr. Chossudovsky, "is certainly important in the discussion of 9/11, particularly given all the unanswered questions and the fact that the administration is not able to explain what happened."


"The 'global war on terrorism' has the hallmarks of a political myth propagated to pave the way for a wholly different agenda - the US goal of world hegemony, built around securing by force command over the oil supplies required to drive the whole project," British MP Michael Meacher

"Now, there's another smoking gun that's come out since that Guerilla News Network interview that I did," Alex Jones tells Pound. "And that is the PNAC documents.”

Founded in early 1997, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC, pronounced: "Pee-Nack") is an archconservative think-tank with several high-ranking Bush Cabinet officials among its members, including Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. Since PNAC's inception, the organization "wrote hundreds of white papers or policy reports of what they’d do if they were in office, and circulated these around to the military-industrial complex," claims Jones.

According to the "Statement of Principles" on the organization's website, the PNAC bunch believe: "We seem to have forgotten the essential elements of the Reagan Administration's success: a military that is strong and ready to meet both present and future challenges; [and] a foreign policy that boldly and purposefully promotes American principles abroad." The PNAC crew's website also states, "American leadership is good both for America and for the world."

One controversial PNAC report written in September of 2000, "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century," was described by Jay Bookman of the Atlanta-Journal Constitution as a "blueprint for Bush's foreign and defense policy." In the report, the authors expressed their concern with the U.S. government's decreasing commitment to military superiority, which they viewed as essential to a future of ever-expanding American dominance. However, write the report's authors, a "process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.¹

According to Jones’ interpretation of the report: "They talked about how Pearl Harbor was a lucky event, and how we needed a big Pearl Harbor here for imperial mobilization. They talked about how Saddam wasn't a threat but was an excuse to get the oil and to use Iraq as a military base. They go in and talk about how they need terror to galvanize the people, so it's just like Northwoods. Here they are saying what their plan is, what they're gonna do. It's stunning, it's amazing."

The co-chair of "Rebuilding America's Defenses," Yale professor Donald Kagan, has since stated that Bush Cabinet members played a marginal role in developing the report and were at odds with many of its ideas, which included the replacement of conventional armed forces with "fleets of robots, some small enough to fit in soldiers pockets." The report also looked forward to a world where: "Advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." (Genotypes determine race.)

After reading the report, British MP Michael Meacher stated in a September 2003 article in the U.K.'s Guardian: "9/11 offered an extremely convenient pretext to put the PNAC plan into action. The evidence again is quite clear that plans for military action against Afghanistan and Iraq were in hand well before 9/11." A key oil pipeline from the Caspian basin is being constructed through Afghanistan, and Iraq has the second largest untapped oil reserves in the world.

Meacher, fired as Minister of the Environment by Tony Blair in June of 2003, concluded: "The global war on terrorism’ has the hallmarks of a political myth propagated to pave the way for a wholly different agenda—the US goal of world hegemony, built around securing by force command over the oil supplies required to drive the whole project."


"You want to stop terrorists? / Start with the U.S. imperialists / Ain't no track record like America's / See, bin-Laden was trained by the CIA / But I guess if you a terrorist for the U.S. then it's okay." - of dead prez, "Know Your Enemy" off Turn Off the Radio Vol. I

In an interview with the French paper Le Nouvel Observateur in 1998, Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski clarified the early facts of the U.S.'s role in supporting the Mujahadeen in its war against the Soviet Union. "According to the official version of history," said Brzezinski, "CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 December 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979, that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul."

Throughout the 1980s, the CIA used Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to channel weapons, supplies, and training to Afghan Jihadists fighting against the Soviet Union. Osama bin-Laden - co-founder in 1979 of Maktab al-Khidamar (MAK), one of seven anti-Soviet Mujihadeen groups in Afghanistan - was but one recipient of this American aid. In 1988, Osama bin-Laden broke with MAK and formed al-Qaeda, continuing to receive U.S. and Saudi support through the ISI.

According to Michel Chossudovsky, author of War and Globalization: The Truth Behind September 11, "We have ample evidence that this so-called intelligence asset [al-Qaeda] was created by the CIA. It's not something that emerged. It's not a spontaneous grassroots movement directed against the United States, as opposed to other Islamic organizations."

“There were links between al-Qaeda and agencies of the U.S. government, documented links, from official sources up until August 2001," says Dr. Chossudovsky. "But an intelligence asset is not an intelligence agent; it's not somebody that is on the CIA payroll. It is a person, or an institution, or an organization, or a network, which is being used in covert intelligence operations. The intelligence asset may not be necessarily committed to the United States, it doesn't necessarily know that it's being used, okay, but it is still playing a role, it is still performing on behalf of the intelligence agencies concerned. And that means either through manipulation, [or] through infiltration."

According to an October 2001 story in the French newspaper Le Figaro, a local CIA agent met with Osama bin-Laden in July of 2001 while the Saudi native was being treated for kidney problems in an American hospital in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. A partner in the administration of the hospital told the Parisian daily that bin-Laden had been treated by a Canadian urologist, Dr. Terry Calloway, between the 4th and 14th of July. The Le Figaro story stated: "According to Arab diplomatic sources as well as French intelligence, very specific information was transmitted to the CIA concerning terrorist attacks against American interests around the world, including on US soil."

CBS News has since reported that on the night of September 10th, 2001 bin-Laden was again being treated for Kidney problems, this time in a military hospital in Rawalpindi, Pakistan - a hospital under the jurisdiction of the Pakistani Armed Forces. Beginning the following day, Pakistan would become the critical link in supposed negotiations between the U.S. administration and Afghanistan's Taliban government for the extradition of bin-Laden. However, because kidney dialysis treatment tends normally to last longer than 24 hours, likely, bin-Laden was still in a Pakistani hospital when the U.S. government claimed it was attempting to secure the Saudi millionaire's capture. The fact that the leader of al-Qaeda escaped makes sense only if, as General Richard Myers told CNN's Evans & Novak, "the goal has never been to get bin-Laden."


On September 4th, 2001 Lieutenant-General Mahmoud Ahmad, the former head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), arrived in Washington for a week-long visit. During his stay, the General spent time with several key officials in the Bush administration, including Colin Powell, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, and CIA Director George Tenet (a follow-up to Tenet's Islamabad visit months earlier). On the morning of September 11th, the General also joined Democratic Senator Porter Goss and Republican Congressman Bob Graham for a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill. The FBI has since fingered Lieutenant-General Ahmad as the paymaster behind the 9/11 terrorists.

According to the FBI, Saeed Sheikh (under an alias) wired $100,000 to September 11th ringleader Mohammed Atta in August of 2001, based on orders issued by Pakistan's ISI chief. "Now, if that statement of the FBI is correct," says Michel Chossudovsky, "and it has never been refuted, it follows that an intelligence agency which has close links to the U.S. government is involved in financing the terrorists."

"According to the FBI the alleged moneyman behind 9/11 was in a very close proximate relationship with several key officials in the Bush administration and the U.S. Congress, and that begs the question, what were these guys doing with the alleged moneyman behind the terrorists? It points to cover-up, okay; it may point to complicity, but at least what it suggests is that some further investigation of these high-ranking officials is required, particularly because they have a track record of supporting terrorist organizations."

Although the United States requested General Ahmad's dismissal in October of 2001 based on evidence provided by the Indian government, the former ISI chief's connections to both the Bush administration and the 9/11 terrorists are at the core of many doubts surrounding the official line on the terrorist attacks. In an added twist of dubiousness, Senator Goss (Dem.) and Congressman Graham (Rep.) became co-chairmen of the joint House-Senate 9/11 review committee.

Asked about his views on the events of September 11th, 2001, Michel Chossudovsky - whose research on 9/11 has impacted globally - says: "I guess I've reached my conclusions, but I don't necessarily want to impose them on others. But even if I make this statement it is a statement which is corroborated by the mainstream press: I think that 9/11 was an intelligence operation. It was not a spontaneous act of terror; it was a carefully planned intelligence operation. Now I can't make any further statement as to who did it, because I don't know. But there are enough inconsistencies for me to say that there are people at a very high-level in the Bush administration and the U.S. Congress that have a lot of explaining to do, and in any kind of investigation they would-be suspects, definitely suspects, because they have very close links to the terror network."

Andreas Von Buelow, formerly Germany's Minister of Technology, echoed Chossudovsky's statements in his book, The CIA and September 11. "If what I say is right," Von Buelow told London's Daily Telegraph, "the whole US government should end up behind bars."


"Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September 11th. Malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty." - George W. Bush at the United Nations, November 2001

On November 16th, respected Mid-East journalist Robert Fisk wrote a response in the U.K.'s Independent to the propagation of 9/11 'conspiracy theories.'

"Somewhere in the human brain," concludes Fisk, "fear and fantasy create conspiracy. Nevermore so than now. The ‘axis of evil’ exists in all our minds. Presumably only Iran and North Korea are still in the axis. But we’ll have to dream up some more nightmares before we send the tanks in again. By then, we may have forgotten the real plot—in which four hijacked airliners were smashed into the symbols of American financial and military power to prove that the United States was no longer invincible."

Michel Chossudovsky, also of the Centre for Research on Globalization, is surprised and upset to see Fisk dismiss serious and substantiated concerns about September 11th, 2001—surrounded, though they are, by the conjecture of lunatics. "It's disturbing," says Chossudovsky, "because it comes from somebody who is considered as one of the main sources of critical journalism. And certainly, we've published him. I had high regards for his work during the war, I published many of his articles, but this kind of doubletalk is disturbing."

In his Independent article Fisk insists, "September 11, 2001, did not change the world - Bush did that." But what if Bush did 9/11? The U.S. government has considered killing its own with Operation Northwoods. The PNAC bunch knew there was no way they were invading Afghanistan or Iraq without "some catastrophic" development. And the current administration was closely connected to the terrorist's financier and the terrorist organization they blame for the attacks. Does a violent Texas oilman with a Cabinet tied by the balls to the military-industrial complex have it in him to speed up his greedy plans for a stolen presidency?

"Me no love Bush, despise bin-Laden / It's like I'm caught in the middle between two fascists." - Tragedy Khadafi, "Walk With Me (911)" off Still Reportin.

Too much happened that day for it to all be a coincidence. For instance, the death in the WTC collapse of dedicated al-Qaeda chaser, former FBI Deputy Director John O’Neil, who died on his first day of a new job as Head of Security for the World Trade Center. O’Neil had been the FBI's point man on investigations in Yemen, East Africa, and Saudi Arabia, and some claim he left the FBI because Bush was blocking his pursuit of al-Qaeda. "I guess I've reached my conclusions, but I don't necessarily want to impose them on others. But even if I make this statement it is a statement, which is corroborated by the mainstream press: I think that 9/11 was an intelligence operation. It was not a spontaneous act of terror; it was a carefully planned intelligence operation." Michel Chossudovsky from the Centre for Research on Globalization

And what of 7 World Trade Center, with offices occupied by the Secret Service and the "Mayor's Office of Emergency Management?" The 47-story building a block away from the Towers which inexplicably falls and gets no coverage despite the fact, as Wired New York reported, "experts said no building like it, a modern, steel-reinforced high-rise, had ever collapsed because of an uncontrolled fire."

Okay, so forget the details. Overall, it just can't be a conspiracy. The word "conspiracy" implies secrecy. In the case of September 11th, 2001 so much is already showing.

RAP ON 9/11

You've already read Paris' conclusions concerning September 11th, 2001, but Pound asked a few other emcees what they knew of the evidence, and what they thought of the possibility of U.S. government involvement in the terror attacks of that day.

Tragedy Khadafi "I believe it. Not only do I think it's possible, I believe it. I would stand with Paris or anyone from Paris or America or any other country that feels that way. And I may be ridiculed and persecuted for saying it, but hey, remember, I made 'Arrest the President' about the father. The fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree."

"Hey, man, they covered that up real good. I don't trust 'em, nobody really trust 'em, except people that's drunk off that red, white and blue fever..." - of dead prez

Rasco of the Cali Agents "I hope we weren't involved in that. But it's just hard for me to believe that people could come in here without us having any inkling of an idea that it was gonna happen. So in some instances, I would like to think that no one could be that power-hungry, no one could be that crazy to let someone else fly planes into a building that's full of innocent people, it's craziness."

Ed O.G "They allowed it, they definitely did, because you figure like this, we got one of the most powerful armies, if not the most powerful army in the world, so if a plane is going off course - it was better for September 11th to boost Bush. I mean he already stole the election, first of all, that happened, that was the first thing. And then you have September 11th happenin', and they could have shot those planes down, they could have diverted those planes, they could've done somethin'. I honestly believe that they let it happen just so a lot of our civil rights and liberties can be taken away from us. You do anything now they can consider you a terrorist. They have people from Afghanistan locked up in Cuba for over two years now - we don't know what they're doing to those cats down there."

Pharoahe Monch "I'm like conspiracy theorist boy. There's nothing that somebody could tell me that would wow me, because I'm into all of them, and I'm aware of all of that and cognizant. I mean even if there is no concrete evidence that they had a direct hand in it, people just don't do things for no reason at all."

"Before we get into the actual documentation of whether they needed something catastrophic to happen to move into these countries for the reasons that they needed to move into these countries, which is the issue at hand because you can't just go to war because you want to go to war and some bad people are over there doing bad things to other people. You do need something catastrophic to happen to justify spending the money and sending troops wherever you’re gonna send them." of dead prez "Hey, man, they covered that up real good. I don't trust ’em, nobody really trust ’em, except people that's drunk off that red, white and blue fever. It's like it ain't no telling, I wouldn't put it past them. But I know that the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the White House is symbols of white power. That's why they call it the 'White House'’ I know that it ain't make me lose no sleep when I heard that that shit got blown up because it's been a long fucking time coming."

Necro "I find it intriguingly incredible when people ask me questions about the government and shit like that - you said beautiful fuckin’ things. You fuckin’ said, 'based on the evidence,' what evidence? How do you know what's evidence and what isn't? And then you said, 'based on what you know, - how da fuck do I know anything? Who says I know anything? Who says you know anything? And what makes you believe what you know? See that's the point. The point is, we don't know shit. We're fuckin’ humans on the bottom, we're on the bottom. Everything is happening on top of the building, and we're on the first floor. And the building is a hundred stories up, and we can't see what the fuck is goin’ on up there, we got no idea. All we know is what they tell us. So when somebody on the roof goes and whips their dick out and pisses on us, that's when we know something's going on. We don't know what they doin’ up there though. They could be orgying, playin’ cards, killing, fucking. The point is, in a way, we don't really know. Now it comes down to, what do you believe?

"If you want to say what do I think, from a mondo perspective, I would assume bin-Laden right now is hidden beneath the ground somewhere getting his dick sucked by Arabian bitches. He has to be somewhere fucking ill, with a lot of fucking money, somewhere possibly that maybe George Bush goes and hangs out too, and they talk business."


"I know an older guy that lost 12 close peeps on 9-1-1 / While you kickin’ them punchlines and puns / Man, fuck that shit, this is serious biz / By the time Bush is done, you won't know what time it is." - J-Live, "Satisfied" off All of the Above

During the rise of U.S.-sponsored right-wing dictatorships in the Latin America of the 60s and 70s, protest music played a critical role in the struggle against oppression and violence. As that Latin American sonic movement was peaking into the mid-70s, hip-hop was just beginning to take shape in the heart of U.S. cities. According to Dr. Maria Figueredo, an expert on Latin America's musical responses to tensions in the New World Order: "What they'd use a lot was what they call the 'ground roots' of music. It's the street music; it's music that everyone could relate to. So they completely abandon that elitism aspect of music and try to reach that day-to-day language. So that's very much the same as hip-hop."

As Figueredo explains, resistance through hip-hop now functions much like Latin American music did as it faced peaks of beastliness. "It's social commentary," says Figueredo, a professor of languages at Wilfrid Laurier University, "and you're using the vehicle of music because it has greater public access. So it's showing that when you're denied access to the media, for example, then you have to find other ways to reach the larger public, and music is an alternative voice - it's like a parallel media machine. So if you can't get access to political power, you can get access to public power in that way through music."

Pharoahe Monch adopts the perspective of a "disgruntled veteran" on his hotter-than-an-oil-fire track, "Agent Orange." The song is just one of many ill hip-hop releases that cut into Bush's brutal government like termites - imperceptibly individually, yet devastatingly collectively. "I just think in times of war," Monch tells Pound, "true artists, I mean that in the sense of cultural: painting, poetry, buildings, architecture, just art in general - I mean so much is dying at the time of war that so much is created. And I think that it's always been that way. If you look at things in terms of our history, it's always been that way. So with me, I'm a real emotional dude, and I'm just sort of like, 'ahh, war is just not a good thing'’ It's not a passive mentality that I have; it's just on some mental shit."


Pound has ordered the best tracks attacking the attackers in our own numerologically-twisted list. Buy or download 'em (turning the military's tool, the Internet, to your benefit), and enjoy as we look forward to the potential benefits of democracy and a Bush-free future at the end of 2004.

1. Mr. Lif - Home of the Brave

2. Pharoahe Monch - Agent Orange

3. J-Live - Satisfied

4. Mighty Casey - Down With Bush

5. Dead Prez - Know Your Enemy

6. Talib Kweli - The Proud

7. Nas feat. Millennium Thug - My Country

8. Paris - What Would You Do?

9. Ras Kass - Amerikkka Me

10. Tragedy Khadafi - Walk With Me (911)

11. Public Enemy - Son of a Bush

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